The Friends were not able to work in the cemetery Sunday due to the high winds caused by storm Eunice. Although still a little windy, Alan and Astrid ventured in today, the first job was to take new photographs of headstones that were placed on the mound where the Non Conformist Chapel once stood for our Chairman Miles who needed better quality copies for the website. The headstones were found, tidied and photos taken.
Due to the strong wind it was decided to work in a sheltered area, to cut back the hedge to the houses bordering Wembdon road, plus expose the Broom C99 headstone that had been encroached by the hedge and brambles. Filling a dumpy bag half filled by Astrid and Rita a few week ago and a second dumpy bag, both pulled over to the storage area ready for collection by SDC.
The high winds had blown out three fence panels from the Wembdon Road neighbours back gardens into the cemetery and loosened two more that were flapping. Alan placed large stones against both panels to hopefully prevent them being blown out completely and damaging memorials in the cemetery. They had a walk around the cemetery and no major storm damage to trees were found although there were a fair few twigs lying about. A job for another work session.