Only Chris and Dave able to make it to the cemetery today. Recent storms had left a lot of fallen branches and twigs around the cemetery, Chris and Dave picked these us and filled 1 ½ dumpy bags. Chris trimmed the bushes and brambles from the hedge bordering the adjacent house on Wembdon road, the hedge is full of rubbish and litter and will need to be picked out and removed over the coming weeks. Dave in the meantime was digging out several tough bramble roots from behind the first house, this task done he went over and removed ivy from part of the Pantomime Lane wall.
The high winds had damaged several panels of houses bordering the cemetery, Alan had previously secured two flapping panels with large stones, the boys tidied and checked this area was safe. Several dog walkers walked through the cemetery during the morning.
A large tree trunk left after SDC had cut back a number of trees several years ago, had been cut and the logs removed, a lot of debris and bark left behind and this will need to be cleared. In the same area is a Euonymus tree, the lower branches need to be cut back as they are only 3 ft off the ground. The lads also noticed that ivy has encroached on a number of trees and needs to be removed.