Astrid, Rita, Alan and Dave working in the cemetery today. Cold and a bit breezy but they soon warmed up when work started. Astrid and Rita worked on the old hedge behind the houses on Wembdon Road where there was a fair bit of dead wood amongst the hedge. This was cleared out branches and brambles were cut back. Dave and Alan were digging out bramble roots at the other end of the hedgerow, filled half a dumpy bag with just roots. They got tired after an hour of digging, everyone stopped for a tea break then the boys came up and started helping Astrid and Rita trimming the hedgerow. They all walked around the cemetery and earmarked the jobs that needed doing in the next few weeks, cutting back ivy on several trees, cutting back the Euonumous tree that Chris and Dave noticed last week, putting in metal poles with hazard tape to protect the new saplings planted by Roy Cheek, clearing the debris of two large tree trunks cut up by the back of houses in Provident Place, trimming the tree where the dumpy bags are stored, etc. - maybe it should be in the next few months not weeks!
While looking around the front of the cemetery it was noted a lot of saplings were growing into the pathway outside the cemetery, these were quickly cut back, one less job to do. With 2 ½ dumpy bags filled felt a good mornings work had been done so all headed home.