With a break in the wet weather, Alan decided to go in the cemetery to work today (2 January 2023) on the Crocker grave 7-65 and dig out earth around the large block that has to be moved to enable SDC to remove the Holly tree that is growing out of the grave. See the last diary for the ongoing story.
Alan was joined by Chris who came in to drop off some concrete blocks and bricks that would be useful. Together they then started the hard slog of digging out earth to expose the root network of the tree, good progress was made.
They felt they needed a change from digging and decided to level up the kerb of the Ashton grave 7-58 that lies directly behind the Crocker grave as it would be difficult to do after Fine Memorial has re-erected the large block and cross to the Crocker memorial.

Work went well and they were pleased with their efforts, and nice to work in the sun for a change.
Happy New Year!