An overcast day but a little warmer. Alan, Rita, Chris, Astrid and it was nice to see Dave back all working in the cemetery today (12 February 2023).

Astrid and Rita spent all their time cutting back the ‘new hedge’ which seems to grow faster each year. There were quite a few large brambles that were cleared, and were happy when Dave came along to give us a hand for a while. Nearly two dumpy bags were filled.

Chris had popped into the cemetery during the week to add stone chipping to the Jarvis 4–20 grave that he had cleaned. The grave has been worked on for sometime by the Friends and is now finished. Chris took a photo, what a difference can be seen of before and after.

Alan and Chris started work on the Whitby/Ayres grave 8-16, the kerbs and post were loose, the old cement joints were cleaned and with the help of Dave were cemented back together. Chris took a photo of their handiwork.

Work was then started on the Ball 8-41 grave with one long kerb, two posts and a short kerb loose. Alan chipped off the old cement and Chris tidied the kerbs and posts ready to be cemented back into position on our next working day.
Chris had a fall today, luckily no serious damage, but it is a reminder that care has to be taken when working and walking around the cemetery, especially as the winter grass is growing in large tufts and it is easy to trip and turn your ankle on them.

With the sun shining brightly on Monday, instead of going for a walk as planned thought it would be an ideal time to pop in the cemetery and finish off the work started on yesterday.
Rita finished cutting the hedge, then started on clearing brambles from the bluebell and wild flower area.
Alan filled earth around the Ayers/Whitby and Strange 8-23 graves to level the earth in this area, He also dug out and released the kerb on the Ball 8-41 grave to help Chris when he cements the loose kerbs back into position.

We also met Bryn who has taken over the job of cleaning and checking the war graves for the War Commission. He was busy and doing a good job cleaning the headstones and cutting the grass around the graves.