A warm and sunny day with Astrid, Chris, Alan and Rita working in the cemetery today (19 February 2023).
Rita and Astrid concentrated on the wild flower area at the top end of the cemetery next to Jam Factory Lane, that has been overtaken by thick grass, weeds and brambles. Astrid trimmed back the Buddleia ready for the Spring growth and filled a dumpy bag with the cuttings. Rita cleared brambles and grass and cleaned up the Tucker grave D1-19. Photo’s of before and after were taken.

They were well pleased with their efforts and felt a couple of pounds might have been worked off!
Chris did an excellent job cementing back together the kerbs and posts on the Ball grave 8-41 that was prepared and made ready for cementing last week, Alan was his assistant.

They then moved over to the Holman grave 8-26 where the kerbs and posts had come apart. The old cement joints were cleaned off – which always takes longer than you think – and the kerbs and posts were soon cemented back together. Chris took a photo of before and after.

While Alan tidied around the graves, Chris filled a barrow load of earth and filled in a number of deep holes that the badger had made as they could be a trip hazard.

Bryn, who is cleaning up the War Commission graves came in with his miniature drone and took aerial photographs of the cemetery, they were brilliant and very much appreciated.

Bryn has become a member of the Friends of Wembdon Road Cemetery and has access to our website where he has located the burial plots of a number of his wife’s family relatives, with help from Alan and Rita.
All in all a very good work session.