A full house with Chris, Alan, Rita, Astrid and Dave working hard in the sunshine today (26 February 2023). Before starting work they had a walk around the cemetery, checking that the work we decided upon for today would be in the sunshine, also planning work required over the next few weeks,
The boys were working on the area behind the St Mary’s chapel ground, where at the end of last year we found the base of the wood store – well that’s what we agreed it could have been! Although the base made up of bricks to form a floor had been covered there were still mounds of earth and rubble that needed to be sifted through and made into a slight slope from the neighbours fence down to the cemetery level. This has much improved the look on the right hand side, it was agreed this would make an ideal area to plant poppies and wild flowers as the soil was perfect. Just a bit more levelling to do on the left hand side that will be attacked on another session.
As Alan and Dave were putting the finishing touches to the sloping bank Chris made himself busy filling in a number of holes around the cemetery where the badger has been digging and could cause a trip hazard.
In the meantime the girls set to work on the Stowell grave 6-32, where a holly tree was growing between this grave and the Britton grave 6-31 sadly this headstone had cracked half way up, the top part had to be laid down for safety reasons. Holly saplings needed to be cut back and ivy that had completely covered the Stowell headstone removed. Although a before photo was not taken, Astrid did take one of the finished job.
Astrid and Rita then started to cut back branches of an Elder tree in the hedge at the back of the houses in Wembdon Road. After Dave and Astrid left, Chris, Alan and Rita continued work cutting back the elder, filling two dumpy bags. There is still a bit more to be done but at least it is not growing out into the cemetery 4 to 5 feet any more.
All went home with aching limbs but happy after a good working session.