Sunday 10 September. Alan, Rita, Astrid, Dave and Chris A. arrived to work in the cemetery. First they had a walk around to see what jobs they would be tackling this morning. Once around the cemetery the sky got very dark and as large raindrops fell they quickly sheltered under a tree, the heavens opened and within minutes they were all soaked! It didn’t seem to look like the skies would be clearing so they all went home to dry off!

Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th Alan went in the cemetery and saw that SDC had been in and cut the grass, the cemetery was looking nice. He raked up the grass on the pathways ready for Saturday when the Friends were opening the cemetery for Heritage Day.

Bryn came in to clean up the Commonwealth headstones so they were looking good for the tour.

Saturday 16 September.
Heritage Open Day. Rita received a phone call to ask if the cemetery would be open as it was raining, confirmation was given the team would be there and a tour would go ahead if the rain eased.
Astrid, Chris D, Alan & Rita gave a tour to the few people who braved the rain for the 10.30 tour and as the rain had cleared we also had another small group for the 12.30 tour this time Dave taking Chris D’s place.

As the weather looks even worse for Sunday 17th the Team decided it would be another Sunday at home, and hope that Sunday 24th will be a nice dry day as we have our Chairman with us and we have lots of jobs lined up for him.