Having looked at the weather forecast Alan decided he would go into the cemetery on Saturday in case of rain on Sunday (28 and 29 October 2023). His first job was to trim the saplings from the Ash tree at the North end of the cemetery, this completed he moved to the ‘new’ hedge and trimmed the tree growing on the end which had grown quite tall, now looking a lot better. The next job was not so easy, clearing away the grass and weeds that had built up along the row of laid down headstones along by the new hedge started on the previous Sunday. Good progress was made before a heavy rain shower meant a hasty retreat for home.

Sunday morning (29 October 2023) Dave, Alan, Rita and Astrid arrived and set eagerly to work, so much so that everyone forgot to take any before photos! Although Alan took some yesterday.
Astrid and Rita set to work weeding the wild flower area which was pretty overgrown, the invasive teasels were dug up, far too big for our little patch, but the little patch kept the girls quiet all morning! As you can imagine, the ground was a wet and soggy with all the rain but easier to pull out the weeds. After photo’s were taken.

The boys went over to the dumpy bag pile where the girls had carried over the hedge cuttings kindly cut by the neighbour, they cut it up and put in dumpy bags. They then looked at the Elder tree nearby that had been overtaken by ivy that was hanging close to the ground. After a lot of sawing and clipping a mass of ivy was removed and bagged up. The main stem of ivy that had grown up the main tree trunk across to a large branch was about 3” / 75mm. A 2ft portion was chopped out so the ivy left high in the tree would die back.

A glance at the sky had the boys packing up and charging down to where the girls were working, just managing to pack the tools in the car before the rain came. Due to Carnival there will be no work or diary next Sunday.