No rain today (19 November 2023) so Alan, Rita and Dave met in the cemetery, to find the leaves falling fast from the trees and the grass growing fast as well!
First job today was to sort out the Bradford heart shaped plaque sadly broken in many pieces and found in the Trotman grave Plan 8-45M, its correct position is Plan 14 plot 208. How it got to be so far from its original position is a mystery! This will be placed in the Boon grave for safe keeping, a photo will be taken and sent to Miles for amendments to be made on the website.
A recently found plaque dug up when working at the North end of the cemetery, for Mary Ann Gingell who died on 13 August 1922 aged 57. Its correct position is Plan 13-75, as there is no safe place nearby it will be placed in the Frampton grave Plan 13-1. Once the grave has been weeded and the stone chippings cleaned a photo will be sent to Miles along with the inscription for placing on the website.
While walking around the cemetery to check things over, Alan and Dave earmarked work that needs to be done on a number of graves, Badger 8-33, Webb 9-1, Shapter 9-24, Hill 9-9, Bale N-18.
After a short tea break worked started in earnest on the hedge behind the houses in Wembdon Road, saplings and brambles ware cut back, it is surprising how fast the Elder tree had grown back having had a hard cut back earlier in the year. With two dumpy bags filled the small gang decided it was time to go home.