Alan, Astrid and Dave in the cemetery today (17 December 2023), following a number of weeks rained off it was nice to get back in if only for the exercise. First job was the Frampton 13-1 grave, it was decided to place the Baker pot (13-49) and the Gingell broken shield (13-37a) found recently in this grave for safety, The granite stone chipping that filled this grave with kerbs needed to be cleaned. The chippings were first sieved to remove earth and debris and then washed. The pot and shield were placed in the grave with the Frampton pot and photos taken, job done.
It was agreed to start work on the Chant N32 and Taylor N33 grave like many more in Section N are in a poor state. Both sets of kerbs had sunk and the graves had been taken over by earth and grass. After a lot of digging filling two dumpy bags both sets of grave kerbs are now exposed, there is a little bit of damage to some of the kerbs but is was felt this could be put right when they are cemented back together, the three felt it was hard work but well worth effort. photo`s were taken.
More Pictures 17 December 2023: