Diary: Friday 17 January & Sunday 19 January 2025

Friday 17 January 2025

As Rita had a meeting in Bridgwater, Alan decided to go in the cemetery to continue working on the fallen trees large root that had been pushed up into the air and lifting the neighbours wooden fence. Between the fallen tree and fence was a mound of tree debris, the job today was to remove this, Alan got stuck in and things went well, filling three dumpy bags.

After an hour of digging a visitor came in to say she was looking for her family grave and luckily she found it. Alan stopped his work, a good excuse to have a rest, and had a chat with Liz regarding her great grandparents grave, she told Alan her great grandfather had an accident at work, was taken to hospital but sadly died in hospital. If Liz contacts the Friends they will be able to provide her with more information on who else is in this grave.

Liz mentioned she would like to become a member of the Friends, Alan told her to go online to Wembdon Road Cemetery where she will be able to join up.

Alan then went back to his task and started digging more earth from the tree roots exposing them so the Council can cut them off. Rita timed it nicely and arrived just as Alan was packing up.

Sunday 19 January 2025

A bitter cold day today but Chris, Alan and Rita soon warmed up when they started to work in the cemetery today.

Alan carried on the good work he did on Friday around the large fallen tree, clearing the earth from the tree roots and debris around the tree. Several bricks and stones were amongst the earth around the roots.

Chris and Rita took the three bags of debris filled by Alan on Friday over to the dump area, making them into four bags as they were a bit heavy. They then carried on clearing up the twigs and branches from under the trees near the fallen tree filling a further 5 dumpy bags and taking them over with the rest of the filled bags.

We were pleased to see Astrid and Felix who joined us for a chat while we had a tea break.

We were also then joined by a voice from the neighbours garden where the one of the fallen trees roots had lifted up their fence. Elise (sorry if this is spelt wrong/misheard) has been worried that she had heard nothing from the council regarding the damage, but we reassured her that talks were on going with the Town and Somerset Councils trying to sort it, remembering that they had many other trees that fell in the bad winds a few weeks ago to deal with. She was very kind and gave us all a cup of tea and a muffin which went down very well. Such a nice lady, and we hope the council will remove the large root so that she can get her fence repaired.

We were concerned that the pots and shield of the North/Webber grave was rather close to the fallen tree and did not want these to get damaged when the Council comes to sort out the tree. These were moved in front of the Britton grave 13-44 for safety, a photo taken of the pots and shield so they can be returned to the proper position when the tree has been sorted.

A photo was also taken of the grave that Liz who came in on Friday to locate the family grave. The end kerb and two posts had come apart and they will be cemented back together when the weather gets warmer.

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