Diary: Sunday 9 March 2025

Near the Wembdon Road, 9 March 2025

As it was a nice sunny day on Wednesday and no forecast of rain Alan went in the cemetery and cemented the Hodge 13/53 kerbs and posts back together, this is the grave that was up rooted by the fallen tree.

In the cemetery today(9 March 2025) were, Chris, Dave, Rita, Alan, Astrid came in for an hour helping, and Michael, an old member who has recently retired came back to help.

Chris, Dave and Alan worked hard, on the three graves worked on last week, Hendy, Trewin and Greenwood. All the earth and small amount of green stones has been bagged up this will later be sieved to remove the earth and leave the stone ready for washing. The Tredwin grave 9-28 kerbs and posts had been forced apart by weeds and ivy, it was decided to clean all this out so that the kerbs and posts could be cemented back into position. The job went well, and the lads were pleased with their efforts.

Meanwhile Rita and Mike worked along the border of the cemetery clearing dead brambles and weeds which were started last week. They uncovered the Fender grave 9-14 that had been completely covered and filled two dumpy bags of brambles that Dave and Mike took over to the rubbish area.

After Mike had left, Astrid fed up with sitting around doing nothing with her bad leg, decided she was going to do something useful, she grabbed the clippers and helped Rita cut back brambles. She also hobbled over to the wild flower area and checked on the Peace rose that we planted last year in memory of Bernice, and was delighted to find it was doing well and producing new shoots.

Another successful session in the sunshine.

The Peace Rose

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