Alan and Rita met Astrid at the cemetery today. They were pleased to see that the front gate had been repaired and we can now keep it shut.

SDC had also been in and cut the grass, due to the Coronavirus this was the first cut of the year and they did an excellent job, especially as the grass was so long.

It was nice to meet up with Astrid and Parsley after so long, keeping apart we had a general look around to see what jobs were required once the Friends can get back together again.

We were pleased to see quite a few flowers in the wild flower area which is now beginning to look good.

The branches of the trees by jam factory lane were quite low and as we had brought some loppers we soon had these trimmed back to give a clear view from underneath.

The next task was to pick up the hedge cuttings that had been trimmed by one of the neighbours in Wembdon Road bordering the new hedge as they had begun to get really tall. We said we were grateful for their help and they offered to trim back a bit more.

It was agreed that one of the next tasks would be to dig over the ground where this years wild flowers were going to be planted next to the existing wild flower area.
We need to consider how best to finish off around the three Dunsford graves which had been re-erected by Fine Memorial at the end of last year. Alan brushed the grass clippings covering the pathway on our way out.