Another good working morning in the cemetery today, lots of jobs completed. Rita & Alan went in the cemetery earlier than usual as they wanted to finish off the Radford grave, Section 11-37a, which they managed to complete just as Astrid and Chris arrived. Astrid brought in several pots of seedlings which she took over to the wild flower area and planted, while Rita trimmed the grass around the Radford grave ready for a photo which Chris took for us. Rita then joined Astrid in the wild flower area and watered the new seedlings and Dave arrived just as they had finished. All three then joined Chris and Alan who had dug out all the weeds from the Bowden G 50 grave and filled with a couple of barrows of earth, all working together, they laid down black membrane, filled the centre with three bags of stone chipping and raked them level. Photo taken by Alan. They then all made their way to the G65 Boyce grave where the process began all over again, weeded, black membrane laid and four bags of stone chippings added. Astrid took a photo of the completed grave. (Rita supervised the whole procedure).
Astrid and Rita weeded the Smith B3 and Waddell B2 graves then gave an elder tree a good trim and also an Euonymus tree, filling a dumpy bag which they dragged over to the dumpy bag storage area.
The boys then worked hard on the Nicholls grave started last week, digging the weeds from the centre of the grave, then they cemented all four kerbs back into position. Thanks to Chris who had a small bag of cement, as all ours had been used up and there are none available at present. All went home pleased with their work and ready for a rest!
Boyce Bowden Radford