Alan, Rita, Chris and Dave in the cemetery today, after all the rain yesterday it was a nice surprise to see the sun shining today. With the cement hardened off on the Cox J 9 grave, Alan and Chris set to work to finish this off. Sand was laid over the concrete slabs so the broken pieces of the Cox headstone could be laid down and bedded in on the sand. This completed and the area levelled with earth the boys were pleased, Chris took a photo, and off to the next job, leaving Dave and Rita behind working on the J 57 Hook grave which had become overgrown with ivy. More time needs to be spent on this to finish tidying up, but it started to rain so moved over to work by Alan and Chris in a more sheltered spot. Alan and Chris had moved over to the hedge next to Jam Factory Lane where there was a tree stump which they decided needed to be removed, they just cut the last root out as Dave and Rita arrived and the stump was pulled out – another job completed.
Next job for the boys was working on the Copp M 86 grave. The earth under one of the kerbs had sunk badly leaving a large gap between the earth and underside of the kerb, a hazard should someone step on it – likely to give way. A brick pier was built under the kerb to give support and at a later date earth will be added to fill the remaining space. They then moved over to the Harden M 69 grave where one of the granite kerbs had broken in the centre and sunk down. It was decided to lever up the broken parts and pack underneath with bricks. This was done and looked a lot better it just needs a bit more earth in the centre of the grave. Meanwhile Rita had weeded the centres of the M23 Mogg, M22 Slocombe, M21 Palmer and most of the M 20 Stevens grave. There were a few short showers of rain during the morning but not heavy enough to stop the gang working! Another good working day.