With the threat of rain on Sunday Chris and Alan decided to go into the cemetery to sort a few things out. The first job was to finish clearing the bramble area behind the house on Wembdon Road, this completed 2 full dumpy bags taken over to the area for collection by SDC, to find that they had already been in and cleared away the 18 full bags. Thank you SDC. They had returned the empties and Alan and Chris folded and packed them away.
The next job was to look at the laid down Harris 2-4 headstone that the Friends are considering having re-erected, earth was removed from around the headstone to check that it was sound and safe to re-erect, all appeared well and a photo was taken. They then moved over to the tree donated by the Mayor and Mayoress Steve and Stella Austin where the name plaque had been damaged. Chris repaired and varnished the plaque, the job today was to secure it back in place, job done and photo taken. Two other memorials are being considered for re-erection, Jenkins 2-4 and Skinner 3-9, these were worked on to remove both earth and grass that had encroached, both looked sound.

It was a busy work session for the boys, in addition to the jobs tackled, three dog walkers stopped for a chat and a neighbour popped in to see if there was any logs that needed to be removed, walking around there were a few logs which was agreed he could cut up and take away.
Well satisfied with their work Chris and Alan made their way home.