A lovely sunny day, only Alan and Rita fit and well enough to go into the cemetery today, but their grandson and partner, Dan and Beth were visiting and said they would like to accompany them. Alan and Rita took them on a tour of the cemetery and showed them the graves of their relatives buried there.
It was decided that the ivy on the Elder tree in section G was beginning to overtake the tree and needed to be removed, all got stuck in with their lobbers and an hour later the tree was transformed, hopefully the tree will have a full blossom of elder flowers this year. Leaving the girls to finish off some of the small ivy growth, Alan and Dan tackled the ivy that had formed a tight mass all over the double plot of the Nicholls grave G 116/94 with a large laid down headstone. It took a lot of effort but eventually the bulk of the ivy was removed.
Beth in the meantime, who is a perfectionist, was plucking the final ivy pieces off the elder tree, while Rita went over to the Euonumous tree in Section J and cut back the saplings.
They were pleased with their efforts and made their way home for a well-deserved mothers' day dinner.