A ‘full house’ today, the sunshine brought out Dave, Astrid, Chris, Alan and Rita all working together to sort out the area where the two ash trees were hacked down. A section of the large bramble bush had been trodden down to get to one of the trees so this was cleared by Alan with his mattock, and everyone else was chopping up the discarded branches of the ash trees and the brambles being cleared. The brambles were trimmed back and the Friends filled 5 dumpy bags of branches and brambles. Everyone worked really hard and were glad to stop for a short tea break before plodding onward. Just the other end of the bramble bush to finish clearing now but may leave that for another work session as there is more important work to be done then cleaning up after thoughtless people.
It did brighten up our morning to see the bluebells out in flower in the wild flower area which is badly in need of clearing – maybe a job for Rita and Astrid next week while the boys get to cementing some kerbs back together.