Dave, Chris, Alan, Rita and Astrid at work in the cemetery today. Today’s task for the boys was to be cementing back kerbs and posts on several graves that needed to be repaired, but as there was no cement left it was back to the boundary fence of Halesleigh Road which was worked on last week.
The boys worked really hard with their mattocks digging up brambles and clearing around old tree stumps. Yet still more work needed to finish this area off as they noticed a large block memorial stone hidden by the brambles that will need to be cleared. They filled another 4 dumpy bags.
Meanwhile the girls thought they would have an easier time this week by spending their time in the wild flower area weeding. The ground was rock hard with loads of small stones so progress was hard, until Dave came over with his mattock and loosened the earth and dug up a patch of weeds for them. With the earth dug over they then planted a tray of corn daisy grown from seed, keeping their fingers crossed that they will still be there next week and not eaten! But not to worry they have another tray ready just in case. A good productive morning but everything is growing so fast it is hard to keep up with the weeding and clearing.