To get a bit of exercise Alan decide to go into the cemetery today (23 December 2022) to work on the Crocker grave and tackle the eight small kerbs and posts and remove the old cement joints ready for re-assembling - see pictures from 23-27 November. Good progress was made and the old cement was removed. With the threat of rain, Alan then made his way home.
When Alan and Rita went into the cemetery a few days earlier in the week to put a wreath on the family grave, they noticed that SDC had emptied the filled dumpy bags, so these were stacked away. They also noticed that there was a new memorial placed in front of the wooden cross for (Harry) Henry Young in N-7, and a photograph was taken.

The volunteers have not really been able to get to the cemetery to do much as the weather has been pretty awful in recent weeks, and looks to be poor for a few more to come.
The Friends of the Wembdon Road Cemetery are members of the National Federation of Cemetery Friends.