A bright sunny day, Chris, Dave, Astrid and Alan in the cemetery today (19 March 2023). First job by the team was a tour of the cemetery to look at memorials worked on by Fine Memorials during the week.
The Newswag had its broken cross repaired and now standing proud. More work required by the Friends to level up the landing and reinstate the kerbs. Randle, now that the obelisk is up the memorial needs a good clean.
The boys worked hard to fit 8 pad stones around the Crocker grave ready to take the ornate posts and kerbs, this was a fiddly job as they all had to be level. When they are back up the memorial will be one of the most impressive in the cemetery.

While the lads were busy Astrid was working on the Randle memorial with a pail of water and scrubbing brush washing away the cement marks caused during the re-erection of the tall obelisk.

Everyone felt it was a very satisfactory day.