Just Alan, Rita and Chris in the cemetery today (23 April 2023).
First job was to work along the Pantomime wall area where buddleia saplings were planted last year by Roy Cheek. This area had been cordoned off with tape to remind the grass cutters where the saplings are planted. Over the winter the tape has got brittle and broken and the grass has sprung up with the recent rain and sunshine. So the grass was cut back from around the plants and raked away, the old tape removed and new tape put back up in place.

As expected some of the saplings have not survived, but new ones have been replaced and others are looking really good and should be flowering nicely later on. One did flower at the end of the year and we were really pleased to see a butterfly had found it! Unfortunately the butterfly was camera shy and flew away before a photo could be taken.

This job took up most of the morning, but with time to spare Alan and Chris had a go at cleaning the Jenkins headstone again, it now looks a little better but could really be doing with another scrub!
In the meantime Rita weeded a few of the graves along side the main path.