Your diary with Sunday 21 May 2023, with a few extra pictures of mowing on Thursday and some quick raking on Friday.
Thursday 18th May
The Council were in to start cutting the grass.

Friday 19th May

Sunday 21 May 2023
On arrival at the cemetery it was nice to see that the Council had been in and cut most of the long grass, just the centre left to do, the grass was very thick and high and very hard work for the council men to strim. The pathways had been cut making it easier to walk around the cemetery. It is hoped they will be back on Monday to complete the task.
A lovely sunny day, with Alan, Rita, Dave, Astrid, and Chris being tour guides today to the three cousins who have done such excellent work on producing wonderful biographies for our website.
There was Jill from Australia, Clare and husband Alan, and Hilary with husband Jeff. They were given a tour of the cemetery and all their relatives graves, plus a lot of graves in which they have written biographies.
When they return home and read our diary they can now visualise where the 'new hedge' is, Jam Factory Lane, Pantomime wall and North end of the cemetery, and even the area where the dumpy bags full and empty are stored. Many a tale was told and we all had a lovely time showing them around.
We also had a return visit from our visitor of last week looking for the Lewis graves, Rita gave him the information she found and he will take this back to his mother who will hopefully give us more information. We look forward to seeing him next week.
Next week the glad rags will be exchanged for our working gear and back to proper work, but so nice to spend a few hours just walking around and admiring some of the work the Friends have accomplished in the last 12 years.