Alan, Rita and Dave in the cemetery today (29 May 2023). Alan & Rita decided to go in early so they could leave earlier to avoid the mid-day sun!
Alan did pop in on Friday to clean the grass cuttings off some of the graves. Today’s work was to carry on the job he started. It took us back to the old days of haymaking! We have left the grass in piles for it to dry out.
Alan cut some of the grass around the Cedar tree which the Council did not have time to finish off, he managed to make a clear way to the few graves that were there (these had been strimmed around by the workmen), it didn’t take long to blunt the grass shears as the grass was so thick.
Rita trimmed elder saplings from around the cedar tree then went to the old wild flower area to dig up the teasels that had sprouted up.
As soon as Dave came in Alan took him over to the full dumpy bags which we left after the Conservationists had been in, he took his new toy over to see if we could use it to move the bags.
It worked a treat, it was far easier to move the bags this way especially in this heat. After a tea break it was back to haymaking!