Dave, Alan, Astrid and Rita working in the cemetery today (23 July 2023). Alan had popped in the cemetery mid week and laid chipping in the Ashton 7-58 grave picked up from Cannington Quarry. While doing this relatives of the Palmer grave 13-39 came in to tend the grave of their great grandparents. They put new stone on the grave and filled the urns with flowers, it looked lovely.

Astrid brought in some new plants for the wild flower area so her first job was to dig them in. The girls were then given the task of cleaning off the ivy and grass that has covered the Burt grave 7-54, it felt like only a few weeks ago it was cleaned up, but looking at the mass of ivy was a daunting task, undeterred they gathered together spades, lobbers and an empty dumpy bag and set to work.

Dave and Alan removed grass and weeds from the graves next to the Ashton and Crocker 7-65 graves and then scraped up three wheelbarrow loads of earth from under the trees in section 7 and spread the earth around the Ashton, Crocker, Bouchier, Lewis, Staple and Morrish graves. This has improved the appearance of the area as the photo taken shows.

Alan and Dave then moved over to the 8-25 Strange grave that had been worked on earlier in the year, cementing the kerbs back together, unfortunately it had been hit and the kerbs and posts knocked apart. It did not take too long to cement the parts back together and plastic sacks were put over the kerbs to protect the cement from the heavy rain and hot sun that were forecast. They then went over and assisted the girls to remove the ivy that turned out to be a far bigger job than first thought. Their help was appreciated as they were beginning to tire and needed help to remove the last stubborn ivy roots. Photo’s were taken of before and after, thanks to the prompting by Dave.