How lucky were we to have a lovely sunny day two weeks running in between days of rain (22 October). Alan, Dave, Astrid and Rita all arrived within 5 minutes of each other and met up at the top end of the cemetery to admire the work of the Somerset Council tree team who had been hard at work during the week. They had been in and cut down the diseased tree to just above the ground, they also cut right back the scrubby trees which looked straggly leaving about a metre of the tree. They now have a chance of sprouting out again and we will ensure they look more presentable when they grow up again.

Penance for missing last weeks work, Rita was given the job of raking up the bits and pieces of debris left where the trees had been felled. Although not much debris as the trees had been removed by the council, it was mostly stubs of bramble and trails of bindweed and ivy which could easily cause a trip hazard, a full dumpy bag was taken to the rubbish pile after her job was completed.
Meanwhile Astrid, Dave and Alan resumed where they left off last week, cutting back the grass in front of the ‘new’ hedge, trimming back some of the large branches of a tree that had grown at the bottom and cleaning the headstones that made up the paving alongside the hedge. 4 dumpy bags filled.

After a well earned tea break they meandered around the cemetery, Dave and Alan discussing the work they would be doing next on graves at the top of Plan 14 and Section N and making plans on work they would be doing on the Chant grave N32.

Astrid and Rita went over to the North end to see how the Rosemary they planted a few weeks ago was coming along and were surprised to see it was in full bloom and looking very well. Did they take a photo? No sorry they didn’t! Moving on across the cemetery to the latest wild flower area which is in need of a good weeding but the plants seem to be thriving – a job for next week.
Astrid and Dave then went back to work and took ivy off five graves at the top of section C, these were two Sealy graves, the Rookley, Bradbeer and Broom.
Another good working day.