A double diary for Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 February 2024
Saturday 10 February
Alan decided to go into the cemetery to work on the Rossiter N24 grave. The landing beams supporting the kerbs and posts had been pushed out of position and the joints broken apart. The task today was to manoeuvre the beams back in position, but before this could be done the old cement joints needed to be removed. A slow but necessary job, using a cold chisel and hammer the cement chipped away and the beams could be levered back into position. Job done Alan made his way home.

Sunday 11 February
Alan, Chris and Dave in today to continue the work on the Rossiter grave, before cementing the beams back together it was agreed it was necessary to level the concrete slab that was broken in three pieces and had sunk down in to the grave. Each piece of the slab was levered up and packed level. A part of the slab is missing this will be replaced with new concrete and stone chipping spread across the slab to hide the cracks but allow rain water to filter through.
Dave mixed the cement and Chris and Alan cemented the beams back together. The wet cement was covered with plastic bags for protection from the rain forecast later in the day. It is a pity that two of the posts are missing and the grave will not be complete but the team will keep looking to see if they can be located.
Chris spent some time helping Dave and Alan but still found time to clean the green glass chippings belonging to the Heal N29 grave and also removed a number of ant mounds that had built around the grave kerbs. The ground was very wet and sticky around the Rossiter grave so dry earth from under the trees was spread over in the hope it may dry the area to make easier when next working here. The lads were pleased with their efforts in spite of the mud.
Thanks to Somerset Council for emptying the dumpy bags last week.