Saturday 4 May 2024
It was such a nice day (4 May 2024) Alan decided to go into the cemetery to prepare the Edwards grave kerb stones ready to cement back together. The landing had sunk in the middle which meant the broken long marble kerbs had to be packed level for support, using slate and other packing material the job was done ready for the boys the next day.
Alan and Rita went over to Cannington Quarry to purchase stone chipping to put in the Badger 14-19 and Edwards 14-18 graves.
Sunday 5 May
Full house today and the weather had cooled down from yesterday.
Astrid worked hard to finish weeding the wild flower bed, all the weeds gone and plants looking good, forget me nots in flower plus a few others, a donated log roll was put up along the edge to protect the area from the mower. Well done Astrid the area looks good.
Meanwhile Rita was busy cleaning out the graves along the front path border, with the weather being so wet it made it a lot easier to get the grass and weeds out. A heavy shower of rain put paid to any more weeding as it got so wet, so they tidied up and walked up to the bluebell area where the ‘sticky grass’ seems to have taken over – a task for next week if the weather is fine.
The boys were busy on the Edwards grave cementing the kerbs back together. Alan had previously cemented the small headstone back into position. The task went well, it is a pity the small end kerb was missing but it is hoped they can find a piece of marble to replace this. The next task was to get two wheelbarrows of earth to spread around the grave to level the area and the final task was to put in the stone chipping and Chris took photo's. Rita came along later and felt some stones could come out of the Badger grave and put in the Edwards grave, which she did, will take a new photo when the covers are taken off. With the weather threatening rain, the boys protected the wet joints on the Edwards grave, covering them with empty dumpy bags and weighing them down so they don’t blow away.

Chris had patched up some broken pieces on the Burge 14-15 plot 81 grave with cement and these were also covered. The team packed their tools and left as the rain began to fall.