Another productive day (30 June 2024) with Alan, Dave, Chris and Rita working in the cemetery.
Alan washed the stones taken out of the Bradbury grave some weeks ago and spread them back in the grave. Rita weeded graves at the front of the cemetery then started to cut back the saplings of holly from the trees lining the front path while Dave and Alan cut off the ivy at ground level that was growing up the trees. Chris arrived and he and Dave dragged the full dumpy bag over to the rubbish area.
Everyone moved up to Section M, Chris started to work on the loose post of the White grave M106 and Alan was cleaning a small square pot that had writing on but unable to read, cleaned up it read George Tapper died 9 Sep. 1957 age 69.

Rita and Dave worked on the Davies M105 grave cleaning out the weeds and noticed it had a solid concrete inset full of earth and stones. They sifted out the earth and bagged up the stone chipping that will need to be cleaned some other time.
Meanwhile on the White memorial, Chris found it was not just a case of cementing back the post as the long kerbs and end kerb were also loose. The old cement was chipped off and one of the kerbs was broken, so this was repaired and the kerbs and post after cleaning everything up were cemented back into position. A good job well done boys.
Dave and Rita then moved over to Plan 11 and cut the holly saplings from the tree growing in the Palmer grave 11-26b, this done under all the dead holly leaves that filled the grave were green stone chippings so they set to work to clear out all the leaves. This done they cleared all the dead leaves from the grave behind 11-24a Vickery. About 6 other graves were cleared of weeds around the cemetery so all in all a good mornings work.