Just Rita, Alan and Dave in the cemetery today (4 August 2024). First job was to carry buckets of water to the far end of the cemetery to water the new trees, it has been so hot with no rain and one of them was beginning to look thirsty. Next, Alan and Dave eyed up three overgrown graves that they intended to weed out and tidy up. First grave M108 Smith looked pretty easy, but once they started they realised it wasn't quite so easy as they thought.

The landing had sunk slightly to one side forcing the two long kerbs apart, and two posts had broken away from their position. It was agreed the kerbs would not be disturbed to prevent any damage, so cementing the posts back in position and packing large joints created by the movement was not ideal but at least the kerbs and post are back in some sort of order. The cemented parts were covered over to prevent the sun drying the cement out too quickly.
Moving up to the Wilkinson M109 where the front kerb had been hit by the mower some while ago, pushed out of position, and obscured by grass. It did not take long to clear the grass away that uncovered the laid down cross, then move the end kerb back into position. Due to lack of time cementing the kerb back together will be done another day.
Meanwhile Rita worked on a nearby tree and filled nearly two dumpy bags with ivy taken off and around the tree, this took her most of the morning.
It was nice to see Astrid come in for a visit to admire the work of the Wessex Water Team, and the grass cut by the Town Council team, she was amazed at the transformation.

Another productive day for the small team.