Friday 16 August
As Alan had time to spare (Friday 16 August) he decided to go in the cemetery to clean the stone chipping removed from the Shepherd M111 grave. He sieved the stones to remove the earth and debris, once this was done he would start cutting up the branches from the hedge that the neighbours had cut right back along the border of their house and the cemetery.
Just as he had finished sieving the stone chipping, in came Chris with a bag of chipping that he had taken home to clean.
Both Chris and Alan went over to the large pile of hedge cuttings that were placed by the 40 dumpy bags filled by the Wessex Water volunteers. Alan concentrated on the brambles and Chris on the branches.
The hedge branches needed to be cut smaller to fit into dumpy bags, unfortunately all the bags are full so the cut pieces were placed in separate piles waiting for the Council lads to take them away. They managed to cut up less than half the amount there, so still plenty left for Sunday.
Sunday 18 August
Chris, Dave, Alan and Rita in the cemetery today. Alan & Rita arrived a little earlier today to wash the stone chippings that Alan had sieved on Friday.

Today’s task was to cement back together the kerbs and posts of the Shepherd grave, and things went really well and the job was finished in no time. They placed black membrane inside and laid the clean stone chipping on top, a photo was taken, then due to the hot weather the cemented joints were covered to prevent the cement drying too quickly. Meanwhile Rita weeded a few graves near the front of the cemetery.

After their tea break they all went over to the pile of hedge and bramble cuttings that Chris and Alan started on Friday cutting and sawing and putting in neat piles until they ran out of steam. Just a small pile left to do that hopefully will be done in one more session.
There was a plaque inside the Shepherd grave in memory of William and Emma Tamlyn, looking at our records this plaque should have been in Plan 13-36 plot 65 so it was put in the wheelbarrow and taken down and placed in the Rogers grave 13-21 plot for safe keeping.