Friday 30 August
While Rita was in Bridgwater, Alan decided he would pop in the cemetery and cement the kerbs and posts on the Bale grave. Rita came in later did a bit of weeding and helped clear up where Alan had been working. Still more work to be done tidying up on the inside of the grave.
Sunday 1 September
Alan, Rita, Suki and Dave in today, plus a visit from Astrid and Felix. Still chopping up the brambles and branches from the hedge that the neighbours kindly chopped back. As the weather forecast was rain it was thought if it rained working under the trees would keep everyone dry. But it didn’t rain, and the pile has got a lot smaller, filling three dumpy bags.

It was lovely to see Astrid and Felix who came in to join us while we had our tea break. Rita and Astrid inspected the wild flower garden which needs weeding again! But they did water the rose bush and one of the new trees that was looking a bit limp.

Dave had to leave a bit earlier today so we packed up and left all together, just as we drove out of Bridgwater the rain came down, so well timed.
A couple of weeks ago (OK months) a small square pot was found in M Section, the inscription was noted so we could research the name as see if we could locate where it came from. The pots inscription was for George Tapper who died 9 September 1957 aged 69. Being an unusual name we had only two other Tappers in the cemetery and after researching online found them to be the parents of George who were buried in nearby Section N. There were no graves nearby, so we have placed the pot for safe keeping in the Greenslade N5 grave which is four plots away. It is always exciting for us to find and locate people buried in the cemetery.