Dave, Alan and Rita working in the cemetery with a visit from Astrid and Felix (13 September 2024). A few weeks ago Alan was in the cemetery and cleaned out the Date grave M75, so today Alan and Dave mixed up a batch of cement and proceeded to cement the kerbs and posts back in position.
Halfway through their task Astrid came in with Felix, had a tea break, then went on a walkabout around the cemetery and were joined by Rita. They noticed that the Ornamental Pear tree planted earlier this year is in blossom!

It was nice to see that the grass had been cut, well done the Town Council Grass cutting team a great job as usual, and they also emptied the dumpy bags. This time they shredded the debris as it was mostly twigs and branches which was then spread evenly under the trees. Very professionally done thanks boys the area looks good.

After their walkabout, inspecting the wild flower garden which is a little overgrown and must be sorted soon, it was back to finish the job of cementing the Date grave while Rita cleaned up the Brown grave M56 but forgot to take a before photo!