Dave, Alan, Chris and Rita in the cemetery today (15 December 2024). Quite wet underfoot but the sun did manage to pop out and keep us warm while work commenced.
Today was a clearing up job, the boys got stuck in and dug out the kerbs and posts of the Hodge grave 13-53 that the tree uprooted when it fell last weekend. The Friends felt it would be best if we moved all the kerbs out of the way, so when the Council come in to sort the tree out they wouldn’t have to worry about damaging them. Most were moved fairly easily but the large kerb with a post attached to each end was difficult, but with rollers underneath it the boys had no problem.
This done Alan and Dave cleared the earth away and filled some of the hole where the roots came from, Alan cut off the tap root and Chris cleared the earth away to uncover the ‘pads’ where the kerbs for the Hodge grave will need to be set in place, obviously it will be a while before that will happen. Chris enjoyed himself sawing off branches on the tree and cleared away what we could.
Rita cleared a lot of the fallen branches and twigs and filled two dumpy bags. Dave then came to help and another one was filled, all three gone over to the waste pile.
There are now two occupants in a bigger tent, still in the same place as last week, although warned this was not a safe place to be as the tent is below a tree that could be dangerous if there are strong winds.
We had another visitor who stayed all morning with us and has made itself at home amongst the branches of the fallen tree it was rather shy but did manage to get a photo of him while he was watching Chris cutting off the branches.

One of the neighbours whose house borders the cemetery popped in to have a chat, a number of his fences were blown down in the gales.
Another productive day and year. We hope to be back on 12 January for our next work session, weather of course permitting.
The Friends would like to wish all our followers on Facebook and members on the website a very Happy Christmas and Best Wishes for 2025.