A cloudy but quite bright day with a cold wind, Dave Chris and Alan working today (Sunday 16 February 2025).

Both girls sending in their work sick notes, Astrid awaiting an operation on her knee, Rita with a trapped nerve in her back, plus a bad knee in sympathy with Astrid.
It was planned to cement the kerbs and posts of the Hodge grave 13-53 but due to the wet conditions around the grave it was decided to leave this to dry up a bit.

The boys started on the area where the tree had come down and to remove the last of the chain link fence and the ivy on the neighbours fence. Chris used his hacksaw and cold chisel to cut through the bolts holding the metal post and strut in place so that they could be removed. Dave and Alan cutting back ivy and undergrowth. Job soon completed.

All then moved over to the Perry 9-11 grave with granite kerbs and posts, one of the end kerbs and both posts had been pushed out of position. Dave mixed up the amount of cement required, Alan chipped away all old cement joints and Chris cleaned and dug out the grass tufts that had taken over the inside of the grave. It was not long before the grave looked a lot better.
It was felt it was time for a tea break and on cue in came Astrid and Felix to join them.
After tea break the lads decided to tidy up a few graves in the area, Alan concentrated on the Dodden 9-42, where one end kerb and both posts had been moved out of position, probably when the tree fell. He chipped off the old cement joints ready for cementing but this task will need to be left for another day.

Chris meanwhile was working on the Davidson grave 9-39 that had got quite overgrown, the small headstone was leaning backwards, it was agreed to see if it is possible to lever the headstone upright. This to be looked at when the weather gets drier and warmer.

Dave worked on the Shapter 9-38a an overgrown red granite grave with kerbs and posts. Chris helped Dave to tidy other graves in the area. More work necessary in Plan 9 to clear ivy and grass that has taken over many graves. Another good work session despite the muddy ground and cold weather.