Saturday 14 September
A pleasant weekend – on Saturday 14 September for the Heritage Open Days Miles gave a tour of the cemetery, taking in some familiar and new stories, including James Cook, Rev. Fitzgerald, the Tuckers and Popes, Josaphine Clofullia, Charles Edward Bond (the anniversary of whose death was only a few days before), John Board, the Symons, the Pines and the Brownes, among several others.
Sunday 15 September
On Sunday, Dave popped in and tidied up the Perry, Pippen and Pring graves, all now looking much more respectable! Thanks Dave!
Wednesday 18 September
Alan had a few hours to spare and the sun was shining, after a weeks holiday he was ready for some exercise so in the cemetery with his tools he went.
He intended to move the four dumpy bags he filled with branches, brambles and roots cut back by the neighbours, plus a loose pile that needed to be cut up and bagged up. When he arrived he found that the four dumpy bags had been moved over to the storage pile of full bags. Alan cut up the remaining pile of debris filling another dumpy bag, there are now 20 bags filled.
Alan then went over to the M75 Jane Date grave that was overgrown with weeds and grass, the kerbs and posts were all there and the base slab was intact. All the kerbs and posts had been pushed out of position. The weeds and grass was cleaned out, and the posts and kerbs were set back in their rightful positions ready to be cemented back together when time and weather permits.
A photo had been taken before work started.