Chris, Alan and Rita in the cemetery today (Sunday 29 September). Weather forecast changed from rain all day to rain coming in late evening, so they chanced their luck - although windy no rain!
Today the team concentrated on clearing the remainder of the ivy from along the pantomime wall. Most of this was cleared when the Wessex Water Volunteers came in a few weeks ago, but there were still 4 or 5 patches left on the wall. It was decided to start clearing on the pantomime wall side first, and when this was done commenced work on the cemetery side.
Rita had to leave just before mid-day so she left the boys to continue removing the ivy filling nearly 4 dumpy bags. Still a little left to do.
A neighbour (Bill) arrived just as Rita was leaving, he is a member of the Friends and said when reading one of the biography’s was rather pleased to think that he was actually now living in the home of Edward Harden in Section B near the path. Rita’s grandfather bought the farm where the Harden family lived in 1906.