Chris, Alan, Rita and Astrid with Felix welcomed the Mick Aston’s Young Archaeologists Group with their volunteer helpers. It was a lovely sunny day ideal for the visit. There were approximately 17 children with 6-7 volunteer helpers and a few parents. Alan welcomed them and gave a short talk on the hazards in the cemetery and emphasised caution in keeping clear of the wasps nests that could be identified by marker stakes. They were divided into small groups by Chris the Team Leader, their task was to select a gravestone, measure the size, record the condition and copy the inscription to find out as much as they could about the person/s buried in that grave. They also drew a picture of the headstone they selected – usually one of the biggest in the cemetery! They were extremely well behaved and seemed to enjoy themselves, one child in particular asked if we knew where Beatrice Alice Spriggs was laid to rest. This lady had fostered her grandfather, and also fostered many more children in her lifetime. The Friends knew where the grave was located and Rita took her and her friend to the headstone, she was very excited as she read out the inscription.
At the end of the morning they all talked about what they had found out, and thanked the Friends for their help. Fortunately there were no reports of anyone having been stung or having any mishaps during the visit. Photographs were taken by the Friends, Chris and Astrid.