A Ms K. Reynolds has very kindly provided us with the following information about Cecil Bowerman. All picture rights belong to her.

At the outbreak of the First World War, Cecil Bowerman joined the North Somerset Yeomanry (Regiment no. 73) as a second lieutenant and quickly promoted to lieutenant. He was soon promoted, probably on the ground to be the youngest captain in the British Army, having transferred to the Royal Engineers. Before the end of the war he acting major and throughout his career he won many medals.
A full biography of Cecil can be found in Bridgwater and the First World War.

I. Croix de Guerre (Belgium) 1914-1918
Awarded when temporary lieutenant (acting Captain) in the Royal Engineers for distinguished service rendered.
2. 1914 Star
This medal was awarded to the first 400.000 'Old Contemptibles' who were part of the first British Expeditionary Force into Belgium (before conscription). There was another Star, which looks very similar, but issued later for those who gave service during the period 1914-1915 but were not part of the BEF.
2.1 'In Action Bar'
There is an 'In Action Bar' missing from the 1914 Star medal (which is shown on the miniature), evidence of serving under enemy fire.
3. Victory Medal 1914-19
4. British War Medal 1914-1920
5. Identity tag
6. 3 x Proficiency medals 1912
Probably from the North Somerset Yeomanry Regiment.