Rudolph Clifford Symons was born in Bridgwater in October 1887 to Clifford J. Symons and Clara Alford. In 1891 the family lived in Castle Field House, near the family brickyards. His father was a manager of Colthurst and Symons Brick and Tile Manufacturers, and at the time Rudolph had five sisters. In 1901 there was an additional brother and sister in the family. By 1911 the family had moved to Octavian House on Taunton Road and, aged 23, Rudolph had joined the family firm as a works manager.Rudolph Clifford SymonsRudolph Symons was born in Bridgwater in October 1887 to Clifford J. Symons and Clara Alford. In 1891 the family lived in Castle Field House, near the family brickyards. His father was a manager of Colthurst and Symons Brick and Tile Manufacturers, and at the time Rudolph had five sisters. In 1901 there was an additional brother and sister in the family. By 1911 the family had moved to Octavian House on Taunton Road and, aged 23, Rudolph had joined the family firm as a works manager.
His military careers is something of a mystery, although the following appeared in the Western Daily Press on 17 September 1915: The funeral of the late Lieut. R. C. Symons, of the Wessex Division Army Service Corps, whose death had occurred as the result of a motor cycle accident, took place yesterday afternoon in the Wembdon Road Cemetery, Bridgwater. It was attended with full military honours and was of a most impressive character, the progress of the funeral procession from the late residence of the deceased being watched with sympathetic interest by a huge concourse of townspeople. The procession was a very long and imposing one, and such as had not been seen in Bridgwater for many years. A number of men from the deceased officer's company attended from Salisbury Plain, several of the officers being also present. The firing party and bugle band were supplied by the Somersets at Taunton, and there also followed large numbers of the National Reserves, the Volunteer Training Corps, the Boys' Brigade, Boy Scouts, and Sea Scouts, in addition to a large number of townsmen. The coffin, covered with the Union Jack, were borne along on a wheel-bier. The service at the graveside was conducted by the Rev. H. Wyatt (Baptist minister), and at the conclusion of the service the firing party fired three volleys, the buglers afterwards sounding the 'last post'.
On 13 October 1915 in the Bridgwater Mercury reported: THE LATE LIEUT. RUDOLPH SYMONS, A.S.C., SYMPATHY FROM THE MEDITERRANEAN, a letter by Driver S. F. Evans, ASC 29th Divisional Train to his father of St John Street expressing his condolences to the family, and wishing to be remembered to Sgt Lockyer.

Each of the war stories on our website have been updated in our book, Bridgwater and the First World War. These include transcriptions of Charles' letters.