With the relaxing of Covid lockdown, permitting a household to go outside to exercise in March, Alan and Rita went into the cemetery.
The first task was to pick up the neat piles of brambles and hedge cuttings from the hedge running along Jam Factory Lane which SDC workmen had cut down. 4 dumpy bags were filled.
Work was then concentrated in Section M as it was noticed that many of the graves had got overgrown with kerbs and posts fallen apart.
Game M118, Lapes M100 and Larcombe M71 have now been cleared and the kerbs and posts have been cemented back into position. Stone chipping will be added to these graves and photographs taken of ‘before and after.’
Several other graves in this area have been weeded.
Fine Memorials will be coming into the cemetery on 31 March to start working on 6 memorials, four for the Friends and two for family relatives.