Astrid, Alan, Rita, Dave and Chris in the cemetery today. The weather forecast said showers expected, luckily the expected rain did not arrive until the team had packed up and started making for home. The first task was to assess work required to tidy the Kitch memorial in Section 11 found last week, a large Celtic cross laid down with a granite base stone that had lead lettering recording those buried there. Due to the forecast for showers it was felt that the job of tidying this memorial should be left until a clear fine day was forecast. A lot of grass, ivy and earth needs to be removed from around the graves of the Kitch and the Horsey 11-3 memorials so that a photo can be taken of the Kitch grave and added to the Friends database.The Friends moved up to the hedge bordering Jam Factory Lane that has recently been dug-up, a new kerb has been installed and tarmac laid, the intruding hedge from the cemetery had also been cut back to the fence, all looking very nice. The hedge on the cemetery side has become over grown with brambles that are beginning to encroach memorials that had recently been cleaned and tidied by the Friends. Over two hours of cutting with lobbers and shears and sweat by the work party two dumpy bags were filled just in time as it started to rain.