Just a quick catch up on going’s on in the cemetery. No working days have taken place due to Christmas and New Year Festivities, and then rain, rain and more rain!
Chris has been in and transplanted some foxglove plants to the wild flower area. Astrid has been in and collected the wreaths and stored for next year.
SDC have been in and cut down the two trees that had been blown over and cut them up in manageable pieces for us to cut and bag up. They have also emptied the full dumpy bags for us. Thank you!
Alan and Rita had a quick walk around today and made a long list of ‘things to do!’ there is a lot of trimming to be done (trees, hedges, ivy), lots of fallen twigs to pick up and brambles to be cut back. So Alan will be sharpening up the tools ready to go as soon as the rain stops and the sun comes out.