No sun today (15 May 2022) and it didn’t rain until just as we were about to leave so a good working day with Dave, Chris, Astrid, Alan and Rita. More plants brought in the cemetery today so Astrid and Rita cleared another patch in the wild flower area that had become really overgrown with grass, nettles, brambles and weeds – mostly plantain – not forgetting the bindweed and ivy! Filling 2 dumpy bags. It was hard graft but they managed to clear away enough space to plant a tray of corn daisies and 3 pots of wild flower seedlings,
Thanks to SDC for emptying about 25 full dumpy bags so we can start filling them up again!
The ‘boys’ worked on the red granite Dyer grave 10-23 finishing off their preparation work and then cementing the kerbs and posts back in position and tidying the area around the grave. They then moved on to the Browning N-15 grave where the kerbs and posts have fallen apart. They cleaned off the old bits of concrete and cleaned up the kerbs and posts before cementing them all back together. As it looked like the rain was imminent the cemented posts were covered over with plastic bags to protect the cemented joints from the rain.

The Friends of the Wembdon Road Cemetery are part of the National Federation of Cemetery Friends.