Astrid, Chris, Dave and Alan working in the sunny cemetery today, 29 May 2022. Alan and Dave concentrated on the Palmer 11-26b grave that has a large holly tree growing out of the centre of the grave, and has dislodged the kerbs and posts. As a number of graves in the area had been tidied up it was felt that some work should be taken to tidy this grave.
The kerbs were moved so that the inner part of the grave could be cleaned around the large roots that had pushed the kerbs out of position. Although one side and the two end kerbs could be put back in their original position, the other long kerb could not as the tree roots were obstructing its position. It was decided instead of standing the kerb up, to lay it flat so that the inscription could be read on the front edge, with earth built up in front so that the kerb was supported allowing it to move as the tree root grew. As Dave had to leave early it was agreed to leave cementing the kerbs and posts back for another day.

As the team had not looked around the cemetery for a while, Astrid was given the task to have a walk around the cemetery to see if any other memorials were in need of urgent attention. She then assisted Chris who in the meantime was working on the headstone of 480 C, Thompson, resting on the side of the non-conformist chapel mound. This was the Bridgwater Thompson who went to Cardiff to manage Spillers Grain, and whose son was a noted art collector (the grounds of their house is now Thompson's Park) This memorial had broken in several pieces with grass growing through the cracks and spaces where bits were missing. The stone pieces were removed and the area cleaned up, earth filled in the space where the stone had been laid and the memorial laid back into its original position. Another good days work.