Before starting work (19 June 2022), Dave, Chris, Alan, Astrid and Rita had a walk around the cemetery to see which area we should now concentrate on clearing. The grass has grown at a tremendous rate, likewise the weeds! So the decision was made - it was going to be a weeding day, not very exciting but something that needed to be done almost everywhere!
The boys worked on the area behind the first house in Wembdon Road where they cleared brambles earlier in the year. This area now covered in bindweed and brambles had started to grow again. One nice surprise was that a large patch of poppies had appeared and were nearly in flower. So with instructions from the girls not to cut down the poppies, the boys spent the morning clearing the area and did a great job. The soil looked pretty good and the team are considering making this a wildflower area, especially now the poppies have established themselves here.
Meanwhile Astrid planted more flowers up in the wild flower area then came and joined Rita who was weeding the graves along the main pathway into the cemetery. Four dumpy bags were filled, thanks to the rain yesterday afternoon and evening it made it a lot easier to pull out the weeds!

The Friends of the Wembdon Road Cemetery are part of the National Federation of Cemetery Friends.