Chris, Dave and Astrid were in the cemetery this morning (3 July 2022). Chris started by trimming the low hanging parts of a large tree, to raise the crown and give a good line of sight. He then joined Dave later in cutting back the overgrown around the hedge at the border of section D. This was a hedge the Friends had planted back in 2016, which consisted of Hawthorn, Field Maple, Hazel, Blackthorn and Dogwood. It's taken well over the years. Cutting back the overgrowth revealed the row of toppled memorials that once lined this part of the cemetery, but were taken down by the council at some point as a trial for clearing the rest of the cemetery (fortunately that never happened).

While the guys were doing this, Astrid weeded around the wild flowers near the corner of the cemetery close to Jam Factory Lane, which Rita and Astrid had planted up in previous weeks. Between all of us we filled approximately four and a half large bags of trimmings. A good morning’s work from everyone and we all went home happy.

The Friends of the Wembdon Road Cemetery are part of the National Federation of Cemetery Friends.