Alan, Dave, Chris and Rita in the cemetery today (31 July 2022), weather overcast with intermittent heavy drizzle showers, a different day from the sunny and hot weather we have had for several weeks. The team had to shelter from the rain on several occasions.

Today work was concentrated on the bramble area bordering the far end of the cemetery in sections 8 and 9 where a grave was uncovered, Storey 9-13, that had been overtaken by the brambles. The brambles were cleared to expose the grave and given a brush and clean up, a photo taken.

A small slab was found placed on the Storey grave belonging to Dennis Heal. Records show that he is in Plan 9 plot E 30 a little distance away, this slab needs to be moved nearer to the grave position which will be placed in the Haggaton 9-17 grave, headstone 7 for safety.

Dave, Alan and Rita then moved over to the Spiller 8-1 grave, which consists of a number of large boulders, this grave was completely covered in brambles that took an hour to cut back. In the meantime Chris trimmed the tree nearby commemorated to Dr Peter Cattermole which looked really good when he had finished, he then went over to assist the rest of the gang to cut up and bag the brambles from the Spiller grave.

Three dumpy bags were hauled over to the storage area next to Jam Factory Lane ready for collection by SDC.