Although the weather forecast for today (4 September 2022) had threatened possible heavy rain showers, Alan, Chris, Astrid and Dave turned up for work.
It was decided that Alan and Chris would concentrate on the Hill 9-9 grave a red granite memorial with kerbs and posts. The grave had sunk badly to one side, this had been sorted previously so the job today was to cement the kerbs and posts back together. The job went smoothly and after a few hours the work was done. After a quick clean up to remove excess cement the kerbs and posts were covered with plastic bags and sheeting to protect the cement joints from the heavy rain showers forecast.

In the meantime, Astrid and Dave were tackling the area behind the first house in Wembdon Road as you enter the cemetery. This area had been cleared of ivy, brambles and weeds just a few weeks ago but they are still ‘popping back up’! It was known that in this area was the foundations of a building that was attached to the St Mary’s chapel and was likely where the caretaker/gravedigger stored tools and equipment. After a few hours of hard work the footings were uncovered and the ground around the area was dug up removing roots and small stones and rocks. Astrid and Dave were well pleased with their efforts, but still more work needed in this area.

After completing the Hill grave Alan and Chris set to work on the Slater 9-8 next to the Hill grave. The over-site (concrete centrepiece) on this grave was badly broken and had fallen in, using some of the flat stones unearthed by Astrid and Dave they placed them in the grave to support the broken slab that had at one time a cross shape made into the concrete. Alan and Chris felt it would be nice if the slab could be repaired so that the cross shape could be seen again, so when next in the cemetery plans will be put together to see if this can be achieved.
Everyone was pleased with their efforts and luckily the forecast of heavy rain did not materialise.